• Welcome

    Welcome to the Uganda Institute of Banking and Financial Services Virtual Learning Environment!

    We are delighted to have you join our dynamic online learning community. Our platform offers a range of both self-paced and instructor-led courses designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in banking and financial services. Whether you are looking to advance your career, stay updated with industry trends, or fulfill your professional development goals, our comprehensive resources and interactive tools will support your journey. Explore, engage, and excel with us. Your path to success starts here!

    For any assistance, our support team is here to help. Happy learning!

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    Multi-format files

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    On-time online support

    Our team is always available to assist you in face of any challenge

    About Us

    The Uganda Institute of Banking and Financial Services (UIBFS), formerly The Uganda Institute of Bankers, is the leading provider of training for Uganda’s financial sector. Starting out in 1967 as a local centre of the then Chartered Institute of Bankers, London (now London Institute of Banking & Finance), and the Institute attained autonomy in 1990. The Institute is a Body Corporate registered under the Companies Act (Cap 110) of the Laws of the Republic of Uganda as a Company Limited by guarantee. The Headquarters of the UIBFS are located at Plot 10 Buganda Road, Kampala - Uganda.

    Our Objectives

    1. To Promote, encourage, protect and advance knowledge and education in the principles and practices of Banking and Financial Services.
    2. To prescribe and inculcate high ethical and professional standards among its Members. 
    3. To raise the capabilities of financial sector practitioners in priority areas by developing and delivering specialized programs to address knowledge and competency gaps.
    4. To enable lifelong learning and strengthen relationships with the sector leaders and professionals to support collective efforts for continuous human capital development through research and events

    Our Mission

    Promoting professionalism and inclusion through market-led training, research and consultancy to providers and users of financial services.

    Our Vision

    A Centre of Excellence in Financial Services Training

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